Best tattoo ink for dark skin

Different ink colors show best on dark skin. Among them, the most attractive are dark blue and dark green.

Yellow color is most likely the non-interested color for dark skin. This is because the yellow color on dark skin is hard for someone to see.

On the other hand, some people also used white ink on dark skin. The white color is a contrast color to the darker skin. The tattoo of white ink on dark skin seems from very far away.

The white color is an attractive color for dark skin but there are some problems with white color. The white color becomes faded on the dark skin surface and that’s why artists mostly do not recommend this color for getting tattoos.

tattoo ink for dark skin
tattoo ink for dark skin

Dark skin with colorful tattoos

It is very hard to make a colorful tattoo on dark skin. There are multiple restrictions on choosing a color for dark skin. Some colors are permanent on dark skin while some colors are invisible on dark skin.

The artist to whom you take your appointment must know about the combination of colors for dark skin.
There is not a large diversity in colors for the dark skin. Specific kinds of colors present in the market for dark skin are so much more effective for it.

The yellow pink and lighter brown colors are probably not used for getting tattoos on dark skin. These colors are invisible on the skin.

The colors which are much more prominent on chocolate-colored skin are dark blue and dark green.

White and red ink tattoos

Write and red ink are mostly not suggested for dark skin color clients. There are different reasons for not suggesting these two colors on dark skin.

The white ink color is a contrast color on dark skin which seems from very far away and looks better. But the thing that artists are not suggesting is that this color fades after getting a tattoo. The white color becomes fat after getting a tattoo.

The second thing related to White ink is that it is very dense which causes pain in the skin.

The red color is also a highly non-recommended ink color while getting a tattoo. This is because the red color causes inflammation on the skin’s surface.

tattoo ink for dark skin
tattoo ink for dark skin

Best tattoo inks of 2024

Eternal authentic tattoo ink
Panthera Ink
Radiant colors
Fusion Ink
Carbon black tattoo ink
Allegory Ink
Quantum tattoo ink
Viking ink
Starbright colors
Silverback ink
Kuro Sumi japanese ink
Intenze tattoo ink
World-famous tattoo ink
Millenniums Mom’s tattoo ink


If you’re searching for brand name best inks for getting a tattoo, then the above list are the best inks present in the market.

But if you are looking for colors that are best for dark skin. Then dark blue and dark green colors are the best colors for getting a tattoo.

The white and red colors are the disliked pigments used for dark skin. It is because of the fading and inflammation of these colors. You cannot use every color for dark skin. Some colors fade after getting a tattoo while some colors cannot be seen from far away. The yellow and pink colors are not used because they cannot be seen from a slight distance.

How long do inkbox tattoo lasts?

Written by:  Anaya Baig

Edited By:    Zara Shah

Sources :    JD Tattoo Studio team

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